The Mar Thoma Syrian Church, Bengaluru
The parish's history traces back to 1917 AD when Syrian Christians gathered for worship and fellowship at the United Theological College (UTC) Bangalore. The Bangalore Mar Thoma Parish became a reality in 1945 with Rev. Philip Oommen (Most. Rev. Dr. Philipose Mar Chrysostom Valiya Metropolitan) as the first vicar. The Sunday worship service was then held at St. Paul’s Church near Bowring Hospital. The foundation stone for the present church building was laid in January 1959 by Rt. Rev. Dr. Alexander Mar Theophilos Episcopa and it was dedicated in January 1960 by the Most Rev. Dr. Juhanon Mar Thoma Metropolitan. Moved to the present location in 1960.

Rev. Charley Jones

Rev. Jacob P Thomas
Assistant Vicar

Rev. Ajit Alexander
Assistant Vicar